Property building in Krystal Ixtapa

Krystal Ixtapa


ようこそKrystal Ixtapaへ!メキシコの美しいゲレロ州の中心に位置する、太陽に恵まれた宝物です!活気ある市中心からわずか2.4マイルの距離にあるこの4つ星ホテルは、リラクゼーションと冒険の完璧な融合を提供し、美しいビーチフロントからもすぐの場所にあります。料金は1泊わずか$108から始まり、このトロピカルパラダイスは、財布に優しい素晴らしい逃避行を約束します!

水上公園での無限の楽しみを準備してください — すべてのゲストに無料です!お子様はキッズクラブで楽しんだり、自分専用のプールで遊んだりできます。一方、大人はビーチフロントでリラックスしたり、スパで少し贅沢を楽しんだりできます(もちろん追加料金がかかります!)。無料のビーチパラソルの下でくつろいだり、部屋のバルコニーから海の景色を楽しんだりしながら、すべての瞬間を楽しい体験にする豪華なアメニティを堪能してください。美味しい朝食でエネルギーを補充し、ゴルフや広大な庭園を探索するなど、刺激的な冒険が待つ一日へ飛び込む準備をしましょう。

1350件以上の素晴らしいレビューを持つ当ホテルでは、ゲストが素晴らしい雰囲気、気配りの行き届いたスタッフ、没入型の体験について絶賛しています。カップル、家族、そして一人旅の旅行者も、Krystal Ixtapaが究極の舞台であることを見出しています。静けさのオアシスと刺激的なアクティビティの中心地を兼ね備えています。さあ、荷物を詰めて、日焼け止めを持って、Krystal Ixtapaで忘れられない思い出を作る準備をしましょう — あなたをビーチフロントの楽園にお迎えできるのを楽しみにしています!

Bed in Krystal Ixtapa
Bed in Krystal Ixtapa



1 ダブルベッド

1 シングルベッド






1 キングサイズベッド


365 平方フィート

キングベッドルーム, ガーデンビュー




Deluxe Room with Ocean View in Krystal Ixtapa


1 キングサイズベッド

2 ダブルベッド


365 平方フィート

デラックス, キング / ダブル2台, オーシャンビュー






しかし、興奮はウォーターパークだけでは終わりません!Krystal Ixtapaの多様なダイニングオプションを通じて、内なるグルメを解き放ちましょう。ボガーツやチンクエ・テッレのような家族向けの雰囲気のレストランから選び、あなたの味覚を刺激する素晴らしい国際料理やイタリア料理を楽しめます。地元の文化を味わいたい方には、アクアマリーナカフェやラス・ベラスが美味しい地元料理を提供し、パセオ・ポル・メキシコは本格的なメキシコ料理を楽しむための究極のスポットです。どのダイニングスポットを選んでも、あなたの味覚は各デリシャスな一口を味わうことで喜ばれることでしょう!


Sea view, Bed in Krystal Ixtapa
Pool view in Krystal Ixtapa


そして、遊びの時間を忘れないでください!近くのゴルフコースでのゴルフや、緑豊かな庭園をのんびり散歩するなど、Krystal Ixtapaでは楽しみが尽きることはありません。すべての冒険の後に、スパでの贅沢なひとときを過ごしてリフレッシュしたり、家族と一緒にビーチでのサンセット散歩を楽しんだりしてください。ここで過ごすすべての瞬間は、良い生活を楽しむための招待状であり、毎日のサンセットは楽園での素晴らしい休暇を祝うものです。さあ、何を待っているのですか?Krystal Ixtapaで究極のホリデー体験に飛び込んで、忘れられない逃避行の準備をしましょう!

Bathroom in Krystal Ixtapa
Bedroom, Bed in Krystal Ixtapa










Spa and wellness centre/facilities, Bed in Krystal Ixtapa
Bathroom in Krystal Ixtapa




屋外, 子供専用

Swimming pool in Krystal Ixtapa
Swimming pool in Krystal Ixtapa



ファミリーフレンドリー, インターナショナル

Cinque Terre

ファミリーフレンドリー, イタリアン

Aquamarina Café


Las Velas

ファミリーフレンドリー, ローカル

Paseo por México

ファミリーフレンドリー, メキシカン

Restaurant/places to eat in Krystal Ixtapa
Restaurant/places to eat in Krystal Ixtapa
Beach in Krystal Ixtapa
The service is impressive, impeccable. Thanks to Candido that welcomed us and made us feel at home, thanks to Hilario and Nadia for making everything possible so that we could make the most out of my boyfriend's family visiting us. Shout-out to Aranza for making a special evening possible; we will share these memories forever. Thank you. The rooms are a good size, the view is great, the bed is so comfortable, the shower has good pressure, hot water.


The location was great, the hotel very nice, the food very good (mostly Mexican in the mornings and afternoons, and some international cuisine as theme dinners at night), and the pool pleasantly warm and not cold at all. As a Mexican myself, I can say that I enjoyed my stay here very much and my whole family feels the same way. The hotel organised many activities, such as a free dolphin show, dance classes, etc.


The food was fantastic. Real mexican food and tasty. My kids loved playing in the ocean with the waves more than Cancun because the water was clean and no rocks to step on. We even went for a run barefoot early in the morning. The sand felt great in your feet.


We loved the front desk service, the entertainment crew, the pools & the beach chairs. The beds were very comfortable & the wifi was excellent. *all the staff were excellent but, Nacho, Yahir & the rest of the entertainment crew were excellent


Loved that is was beachfront and everything was easily accessible. The resort was beautiful and well maintained. I loved that they had different restaurants onsite and even a taco truck!


The service is impressive, impeccable. Thanks to Candido that welcomed us and made us feel at home, thanks to Hilario and Nadia for making everything possible so that we could make the most out of my boyfriend's family visiting us. Shout-out to Aranza for making a special evening possible; we will share these memories forever. Thank you. The rooms are a good size, the view is great, the bed is so comfortable, the shower has good pressure, hot water.


The location was great, the hotel very nice, the food very good (mostly Mexican in the mornings and afternoons, and some international cuisine as theme dinners at night), and the pool pleasantly warm and not cold at all. As a Mexican myself, I can say that I enjoyed my stay here very much and my whole family feels the same way. The hotel organised many activities, such as a free dolphin show, dance classes, etc.


The food was fantastic. Real mexican food and tasty. My kids loved playing in the ocean with the waves more than Cancun because the water was clean and no rocks to step on. We even went for a run barefoot early in the morning. The sand felt great in your feet.


We loved the front desk service, the entertainment crew, the pools & the beach chairs. The beds were very comfortable & the wifi was excellent. *all the staff were excellent but, Nacho, Yahir & the rest of the entertainment crew were excellent


Loved that is was beachfront and everything was easily accessible. The resort was beautiful and well maintained. I loved that they had different restaurants onsite and even a taco truck!


The service is impressive, impeccable. Thanks to Candido that welcomed us and made us feel at home, thanks to Hilario and Nadia for making everything possible so that we could make the most out of my boyfriend's family visiting us. Shout-out to Aranza for making a special evening possible; we will share these memories forever. Thank you. The rooms are a good size, the view is great, the bed is so comfortable, the shower has good pressure, hot water.


The location was great, the hotel very nice, the food very good (mostly Mexican in the mornings and afternoons, and some international cuisine as theme dinners at night), and the pool pleasantly warm and not cold at all. As a Mexican myself, I can say that I enjoyed my stay here very much and my whole family feels the same way. The hotel organised many activities, such as a free dolphin show, dance classes, etc.


The food was fantastic. Real mexican food and tasty. My kids loved playing in the ocean with the waves more than Cancun because the water was clean and no rocks to step on. We even went for a run barefoot early in the morning. The sand felt great in your feet.


We loved the front desk service, the entertainment crew, the pools & the beach chairs. The beds were very comfortable & the wifi was excellent. *all the staff were excellent but, Nacho, Yahir & the rest of the entertainment crew were excellent


Loved that is was beachfront and everything was easily accessible. The resort was beautiful and well maintained. I loved that they had different restaurants onsite and even a taco truck!



Boulevard Ixtapa 4 Y 4 A Zona Hotelera, Ixtapa, 40880, GR, メキシコ

Krystal Ixtapa